Off for the weekend.
I love going on vacation, even if it’s only to Minneapolis.
Hopefully, though, I won’t have to hear the obligatory “I’d never go back to Sioux Falls” crap. I like this town. I grew up here. It’s part of me. I’m not a Minnesotan, and I never felt like one even in the 4 years I spent there. I’m always first and formost a South Dakota kid, no matter how ridiculous that sounds.
(And, yes, that sounds ridiculous.)
But, I guess, there’s a lot to be said about being comfortable. Like Rob’s quote in High Fidelity, Sioux Falls isn’t boring. But it isn’t spectacular either. It’s just- good. Very good.
On a more tragic note, it appears that Hunter S. Thompson was talking to his wife, Anita, on the phone when he shot himself.
That’s fucked up.
I can’t even say anything about that, except how horrible that must have been when she figured out what had happened.