It’s a lazy day for me today – Yesterday I spent most of my time worrying about what my hair would look like cropped short, and as you can see above, it’s quite a change. I’ll admit that I was a little freaked out in the chair, but Connie, who has cut hair for many years, took no time at all and made it look normal, thankfully, and I think I might even like it.

Now I just have to deal with the “OH MY GOD YOU GOT YOUR HAIRCUT” mess tomorrow at work. I’m not looking forward to it – I never wanted it to be a big deal, though it was no doubt going to be. When you don’t cut your hair for 10 or more years, cutting it is a big deal. It’s actually a pretty big deal.

Today at Something Awful (a website that every week has something called Photoshop Phriday, a forum for people to send in hilarious Photoshop creations based on a certain theme) there is a series of mock Make Poverty History posters. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an original orange Make Poverty History image (these are from Canada, hence the .ca suffix on many of them), but I am happy to throw these parodies up for your viewing pleasure.

If you want to see more, go here for part one, and here for part two.

Hulk Hogan
Ron Artest
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Duck Tales
The Big Lebowski
Super Mario Kart
Office Space

This was lovingly handwritten on March 23rd, 2005