South Dakota Blog List
Just so you know —
There’s a new blog that’s actually not a blog; it’s a list. South Dakota Blog List
Doug Wiken, of Dakota Today, has taken it upon himself to create a list of the “true” South Dakota blogs, by which I’m guessing he means blogs by South Dakotans that are actually updated regularly and feature thought provoking commentary.
How BMOWP made the cut, I’ll never know.
The description, according to the site itself:
SoDakBlogList is a list or atlas of Real South Dakota realistic weblogs edited by REAL SOUTH DAKOTANS. A description of each blog in this loose alliance is provided. Honest descriptions only. Not intended as a listing for blogs providing only ad text for products. Use as your portal to South Dakota Blogs.
It’s similar to what South Dakota 123 does, but instead of being an aggrigate of everyone’s blog, it’s just a list of blogs with descriptions. I like it because it’s about South Dakota bloggers… not blogs about South Dakota (the main reason I’ve never submitted my site to SD123; how often do I actually post about SoDak anyway?)
Anyway, go check it out. It’s in its infancy right now, so the sites are rather thin, but check back again and again and, hell, even I’ll be on there.