Scooped again!
I was just going to comment on the mass hysteria that seems to befall our city whenever a half-inch of snow covers the streets. I heard it all day yesterday — people were calling in to work and asking what the policy and repercussions would be for showing up late, for not coming in, for being waylaid by the horrible snow.
Well, I woke up this morning to see a light dusting of snow. Not 6-12 inches. Only a powdery layer that was melting once it hit the sidewalk. Media be damned — the city wasn’t shut down by snow!
It was a blog post waiting to happen.
But, when I went to my computer to talk about the sensational weather reporting, I found that Todd Epp had beaten me to it.
ACT I–Midweek last week. “My God, there’s a storm coming! We don’t know for sure where or how much, but it’s coming! Prepare!”
ACT II–Day before yesterday. “My God, it’s almost here, It’s almost here! Prepare, prepare, prepare! Oh my God, it’s going to snow!”
Well, it’s okay. His take was a lot funnier than mine. And he gets up earlier in the morning too. Check it out at SD Watch.