With the Timberwolves/Pacers game tonight, and my grandfathers memorial on Monday, I’ll be neglecting the site for the next couple days. Thanks to all of you that have commented on our loss – it’s a hard thing to go through, but to know I have the support of all of my friends and blogging colleagues is incredibly strengthening.
I’ll return to regular posting on Wednesday. I’ll have a lot to talk about: the Pacers beating the Wolves, a memorial service, how the new iPod has changed my life (though it hasn’t even been named yet.)
I’m also cooking up an idea for a new blog – something for those that want to write on the internet but don’t have the desire to do it daily, a symposium, if you will, though it won’t all be on the same topic so it won’t be “symposiumistic.”
It’s not a word, I know.
Anyway, see you Wednesday.