The Believer, part two
I forgot to post this earlier, so it’s going onto auto post.
I want to make a slight retraction – the people at McSweeney’s are sending back our check and seem truly sorry about what happened. They asked if I wanted my subscription, and I begrudgingly said no. So they’re sending the money to my mother, and they’re sending a best of The Believer gift for our troubles.
I’m happy with that, for now. I’m still a little wary to get any sort of subscription from them, but as I said in a return e-mail, “time heals all wounds.” Give me a year – I’ll probably have forgotten all about this and will end up getting the subscription as a gift or on my own. I can’t imagine this would happen twice.
McSweeney’s – messed up subscription, followed up with decent customer service and positive PR. I can’t keep Eggers’ company down for too long, regardless of what everyone else thinks of him.