Site Update 10.13.06
I’m in the process of moving a few things around here on the site. I’ve upgraded the sidebar to a WordPress Widget template, allowing me to move things around quickly and effortlessly. Unfortunately, that made everything really clumped together, so I need to work on that.
Additionally, I’m updating all of my categories by expanding the number and frequency of categories available. This is in anticipation of the “category cloud,” which will be featured near the top of the sidebar. This is an easy way to find a category and read all of the posts included therein.
This is also a great way to spread out my Technorati ratings and gain more traffic.
Really, I’m doing all of this in anticipation of the October 25th Open Enrollment for 9Rules — a blog community of some of the nicest, best written, easy to navigate sites. They recieve hundreds of sites and allow (I think) about 20-30 in, so I’m doing everything they say to make my site one of the best.
It’s about ease of use, and it’s about connectivity. Dialogue. Wide-spread blogging. All here at Black Marks on Wood Pulp.
So if things are a little whacked out around here for a while, that’s why. Thanks for your understanding.