Hero worship

Guitar Hero.  Yay.Finally. A game that has renewed my faith in video gaming.

Guitar Hero (and its sequel, Guitar Hero II) is more than just a Dance Dance Revolution knock-off. It’s a true feat in gaming. It combines a fan friendly interface with an infectious soundtrack and (most importantly) the ability to become the biggest Rock Star in the History of the World.

All of our friends love it. And Kerrie and I were shamefully in the dark. Until Saturday night. We strapped on the axe, blew out a few ears, and were instantly hooked. The next night, we were back again, sitting on our friends’ couch and eagerly awaiting our turn.

I can tell that I’ll be the one that obsesses the most about Guitar Hero. I mean, songs from Helmet, Bad Religion and Spinal Tap? Thank you. I’ll take it. Of course, don’t think my darling wife will be immune from the addictive nature of the game. I’ve already seen her shred through a few levels on Easy. It’s only a matter of time before she’s killing me with her rapier skill, honed from years of Tetris and Dr. Mario.

Hell, we’d own the game, already, but it seems to be sold out all over town.

Guitar Hero. Yet another reason to stay inside.

(Edit: A few hours later, Lewis Drug on Sycamore had a copy of this game with the guitar. So we bought it. I rocked Shout at the Devil all night long.)

This was lovingly handwritten on January 15th, 2007