And that’s one drop in the bucket…

Do you know what this picture is?
That’s my kitchen table. On either side, you can see green place mats. At the top, a few left-over Christmas decorations. Other things are scattered around the periphery.
In the middle? That’s a political advertisement.
Let me repeat. That is a direct mail, political advertisement for Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin.
A political advertisement! It’s January 4th! There is still ten months – TEN MONTHS! – until we vote! And I don’t even know if anyone is running against her yet!
Just 13 months ago, the political season came to a head. I received several direct mail postcards, newsletters, door hangers and other forms of advertisement EACH DAY. I didn’t think at the beginning to count – I couldn’t imagine I’d get so many. But being in the middle of a hotly contested state senate seat (which Scott Heidepreim won) threw at least one from each candidate at my door every two or three days. I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said I received 400-500 advertisements in the months leading up to election day.
And with Tim Johnson, Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin, and the Presidential race all up for grabs – not to mention a bevy of state representatives, senators and other random positions I don’t even know about – I’m thinking it’ll be even higher.
That’s not even counting other ballot measures!
I’m counting this year. So far, Mrs. Herseth-Sandlin, you’re number one. The first.
Way to go!