Print is dead, long live print
Sorry, everyone. I don’t meant to get all Old Man Vilhauer on you.
But can we stop the ongoing “Print is Dead” argument?
Print isn’t – and never will be – dead. It may not be in first place. It may not even be the social norm. But there will always be a part of us – most of us, that is; those of us who aren’t robots – that will long for something more durable, something tangible we can flip through, something we can dog-ear and drop hastily into our pocket, on the side of the bed.
I am positive that magazines and newspapers in their current state will continue to decline. We may be forced to pay more for these services. Quick information is too convenient and too easily accessed to wait for, so magazines will focus on features and other long-form writing.
But books aren’t in danger. Not yet. So let’s not try to raise warning flags because we’re looking for something to scream about.
Things will change, but print will still be around for a long time.
After all. We’ve all got electric heat. But who doesn’t love a campfire?