You guys, I co-made a podcast!
So I chatted with local music guru (and former Venture writer) Scott Hudson last night and picked out some music and played with his iPad and – LOOKIE! – now it’s on the Internet as a podcast! WHICH MEANS THE INTERNET IS PRETTY MUCH MAGIC.
The playlist:
1. White Stripes, “Little Room”
2. Modest Mouse, “Never Ending Math Equation”
3. Ugly Casanova, “Things I Don’t Remember”
4. Lucero, “What Else Would You Have Me Be”
5. Blitzen Trapper, “Furr”
6. Bright Eyes, “If the Brakeman Turns My Way”
7. Jim Ward, “Broken Songs”
8. Mason Jennings, “The Times They Are a Changing”
9. The Beatles, “Dig a Pony”
10. Spoon, “The Underdog”
11. Ween, “Vallejo”
12. Frank Black, “Calistan”
It was fun. Check it out. If you want to know what I sound like when I’m geeking out about music, that is.
Then, head over to the official Mevio site of The Ledge. You can even save it for your future perusal on iTunes if you like. Rawk.